Tech for You

Our technology is an end to end paperless motor valuation and assessment life-cycle with intergrated easy to use dashboards for all of our clients. All valuation/Assessment reports and visualized metrics are all consolidated in one dashboard providing our users with ease of access to vehicle data in an organized manner. No more boring calls to valuers and assessors as every request is initiated on the our dashboard and all steps monitored at our communication station.

Our trained valuers with mechanical engineering backgrounds carry out vehicle valuations and assessments at the motor owners' place of convinience using our mobile app. Professionalism is maintained all through the whole process.

With the use of the Orbitke Platform, the valuation and assessment processes take the shortest time enhancing the claim and new customer onboarding processes and general service/product delivery.

API For Existing System Intergration.

Our solution can be directly intergrated to other existing insurance or financial systems through our API endpoints. Developers can leverage this accessibility option for differrent activity such as sending valuation/assessment requests and getting back their clients motor vehicle data including photos. The API can be used for ML/AI model training.